I din't pass the final exam because of Internet Connection and...
Question is I have bad Internet Connection, and when I was answering some questions I clicked check but web didn't show me results. I tried to re-click again. Lag worked at that time and my second click was picked by web and my second opportunity was spent. This happens to me many times, and happened to me when I was doing Data Science 101 exam.
One suggestion I propose is disable double-check when the first attempt is correct.
I had a 59% score in Data Science 101. That means I can't achieve the Data Science lvl1 and Data Science lvl2 badges?

Anonymous commented
I had a 55% score inwatson analityc 101.That I can done fo repeat the course??
Anonymous commented
I am currently taking the test for DS103N and question 10 is not processing my answers. All others have been processed.
Hubert commented
Same here, would like to retake exams.
Abubeker Ali commented
I face the same problem