two answers showing correct answer, and other suggestions
On Q.13 of Spark overview for scala analytics, both 'group by ' and 'all of the above' is showing the answer as correct. it is supposed to be a single correct answer question. Please correct it.
second, kindly make arrangements so that there is no check-reset-check-reset-check-reset-final check loop!!
It would make more sense to save and evaluate the answer when the option is clicked.
This exam had 20 question, for each question the number of steps are :, option of choice check reset option check reset
7. click option final check
That's 8 click per question.
For 20 questions that's 20*8 160 clicks, which is rather annoying.
Instead it would make more sense to have the following:
If user clicks option and it is correct, the answer should get submitted/locked so that way we can move on to the next question.
Also I see no reason behind the logic of shuffling the options each time an answer is submitted.
Please make these changes!!
Vivek Mangipudi
MS in CS UT DAllas (Data Science Specialization)