Retake the Final exam
Please add help button, regarding retaking of exam in the same course ware

mabel goodrich commented
Thanks for sharing! Every student faces the issue of retake exam during their academic session! I have been following some tips for being successful without retaking any exam! This website is becoming more and more popular for their unique services related to random videos across the world! Thanks for sharing this post with us.
SG commented
Hi How can I retake an exam ??
mmanojmkr commented
Please add help button, regarding retaking of exam in the same course ware(Building Cloud Native and Multicloud Applications)
Enrico commented
IBM Blockchain Foundation Developer: I would like to repeat this exam. How can I do?
AJ commented
yes give some guidance and please make some way to see Final Questions .. IT will help us to retake ..Also please provide what is the process to take the exam again , if we missed the second attempt
Juan Pablo Ruiz N commented
Hello, I took the first exam and did not manage to pass, I studied again and took the second attempt, but the tool tells me that I have already taken both, a situation that is not true. I even have the photos of my second attempt all won (well answered) but it does not allow me to send it.
Can you help me have another chance?
Nikita Tiwari commented
Not working final exam but time was running . after that choose for redo exam but it also can't work properly.
Krzysztof commented
In Training Modernizing Java EE Applications it is not true second part of this sentence:
There is only ONE chance to pass the course, but multiple attempts per questionWe have one chance to pass course bu no multiple attemps per questions.
The rule are the same as in other tranings. Should be posiible retake the final exam. -
Anonymous commented
Not working final exam
Seera.SriSurya commented
Deep Learning Fundamentals
DeepLearning.TV - ML0115EN
I want to retake this exam -
ab.suresh commented
Cognitive Class: ML0103EN
Digital Analytics & RegressionI have no further chances to gain the pass, and I have no choice to gain the prerequisite, I cannot do the further courses and would not gain the core badge of the learning.
If I am not gaining or chance to gain the final badge, whats the use of the course then?? Please give more chance or penalty of days to appear for the exams again.
Please help the learner to gain knowledge and experience. Thanks.
ab.suresh commented
Cognitive Class: ML0103EN
Digital Analytics & RegressionI have attempted all the 3 times and failed the exams.
The reason is few of the regression and calculations are not accessible or install and check is not possible from PC. So failed.In some case if we fail also, give some penalty to attend the exams after 5 days of penalty. So we can reappear for the exams after preparing good or answering alternative answers.
Otherwise, the learner end the learning of the course and cannot gain the pass to continue the other prerequisite courses. Please help the learner to gain knowledge and experience. Thanks.
Anonymous commented
I'm not to do final exam
Abhishek Kumar commented
Great..... but my certificate is not available.....
Ham python ka final exam bhi de diye hai .....
Please sir .... -
Mayu Tomozoe commented
I could not pass the course DV0101EN: Data Visualization with Python after 3 times attempts, could you tell me how to retake this course?
Midhun N P commented
Sir how to retake the final exam on python
I'm exam complite, plz send me certificate, Cognitiveclass - PY0101EN
Anonymous commented
How to retake the final exam of second chance
Anonymous commented
How I get certificate I passed the final exam.
Osvaldo Trejo commented
Hi I need to retake the final exam as my time ran out for Data Visualization with Python Cognitive Class DV0101EN . What should I do ?